Saturday, 30 April 2016

'Captain America:Civil War' review

'Captain America:Civil War' review

As a huge Marvel fan, it's extremely difficult for me to not get excited every time that Marvel Studios release a movie. They have a bullet proof filmography, ranging from movies that are satisfying to movies that leave you genuinely speechless as you leave the cinema. The high expectations and excitement of course mean that its a lot easier for a movie to be a huge disappointment if it turns out to be no good. However, I trust Marvel Studios to continue to make great films, and I'm glad to announce that their latest outing 'Captain America:Civil War' is no exception - it is truly phenomenal.

Following on shortly after the events of 'Avengers:Age of Ultron' and 'Antman', the Avengers are at a cross roads. The governments of the world are no longer willing to tolerate the Avengers demolishing cities and causing mass amounts of casualties in their bids to save the world, and so the United Nations create the 'Sokovia Accords' - a document ensuring that super heroes will either have to register with the governments or be forced to retire. Tony Stark is completely on board with this, as after his 'retirement' at the end of 'Age of Ultron' he's had a lot of time to reflect and has realised that the Avengers are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands and the destruction of entire cities. Steve Rodgers, on the other hand, disagrees as he has witnessed first hand the corruption rooted deep in both 'S.H.I.E.L.D' and 'Hydra' and doesn't want to lose his right to choose when and where he and the Avengers get to work. This disagreement leads the Avengers to separate into two factions, one lead by Iron Man, the other by Captain America. When negotiation fails, the Avengers have to resort to other methods to settle their differences.

The Russo brothers should be given massive plaudits, as they have made it so that the audience can support and yet empathise with both teams, making the inevitable fight all the more satisfying. The reasoning behind the conflict isn't at all far fetched and you can completely understand where both sides are coming from. Other than the Iron Man and Captain America fight,  there are many other storylines at play, including introductions of new characters, developing relationships between existing characters and Cap's mission to reunite himself with Bucky Barnes, none of which detract from the core of the story, only enriching the film and continuing to expand the ever growing MCU.

The action scenes, as we've come to expect from Marvel Studios, are spectacular. The chase between Bucky, Black Panther and Cap; the brawl between the two teams and the 1v1 between Cap and Iron Man are all wonders to behold and the movie even makes the politics behind the conflict tense and suspenseful. There are also some massive twists in the tail that very few will see coming, which only add to the drama.

Despite all this, Marvel continue to pick the perfect tone for their movies. Even with the huge things at stake in this film, the Avengers are still cracking 'one liners' to each other. This movie has some genuinely funny moments, all of which provide welcomed rest-bite from the intensity of the conflict.

There was some concern that introducing new characters, would only detract from the focus of the movie, but both new additions, Black Panther and Spider Man, should be welcomed with open arms because the are both amazing. Black Panther fits the role perfectly and provides yet another emotional twist in the build up to the fight. But the real star of the show is Spider Man. After Fox's two mediocre at best attempts of the character, I thought I was finished with Spider Man in movie form, but 'Civil War' has me completely back on board. There must be a hell of a weight on Tom Holland's shoulders to perform one of the most beloved comic book characters of all time at such a young age (especially after many others had failed) but he does so exceptionally. This version is the best and most comic book accurate version of both Peter Parker and Spiderman that we have seen. Everything about him, from the fact that he's actually played by a high school kid to the angsty comments about how he can't join the Avengers as he has too much homework is exactly as it should be. The inclusion of the character is used masterfully. Its a sensational introduction of the character to the MCU, but is brief enough so that he doesn't steal all the attention from Captain America and Iron Man. I now cannot wait for 'Spider Man:Homecoming'

I cannot urge you enough to rush out and see 'Civil War'. Not only does it stand alone as a incredible movie, but it fits snugly into the astounding universe that Marvel Studios have created. The new characters are both exceptional, the story is emotional and yet exciting and the fight is incredibly satisfying. I can honestly say that this is one of the best movies that Marvel have made, which is saying something due to the marvellous record they have. I would say it's their best outing since 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and is definitely in my top 3. Truly Spectacular.

5/5 Stars

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