Sunday, 14 October 2018

Film Studies - Week 1

Welcome to a new series of posts here on the blog. Now that I'm fully enrolled and settled into university life, I'm going to be watching a lot of movies this year (not much has changed there then). So this is the first instalment of a weekly round-up of all the movies I get to see through my years as a film student. Enjoy.

Avenger's Infinity War (2018)
Viewing - 4th

I don't think I'll ever be truly ready to describe my thoughts on this movie. It's a staggering achievement in film making. Somehow, the Russo's managed to draw together 10 years worth of characters, narratives and sub-plots and combine them into a story that is not only cohesive, but incredibly effective. It still captures the humour and charm of the MCU, whilst feeling tonally distinctive and original. It goes deeper and darker than any other comic-book movie has ever dared to tread and it pulls it of flawlessly.

5/5 Stars

Layer Cake (2004)
Viewing - 1st

This is a very Matthew Vaughn movie. Stylish, wise-cracking protagonists navigating a world of fleeting but extremely graphic violence. There's a lot of fun to be had with it, particularly in the performance of Daniel Craig. It's nice to see that pre-Bond sparkle in his eyes for a change. It suffers from poor pacing in the middle, as the conspiracy begins to unravel. But that whammy ending more than redeems it in my eyes. Well worth a watch.

4/5 Stars

Jaws (1975)
Viewing - 2nd

Despite my personal preference for Jurassic Park, I can fully understand why this is regarded as Spielberg's best work. It's a vital movie in terms of not only Spielberg's career but the state of blockbuster films on the whole. The shark itself isn't at all convincing, and it a lesser movie would be a causer laughter rather than fear. But the limitations of the shark never even cross your mind. It's masterfully suspenseful - even sequences where nothing of any real significance happens have you on the very edge of your seat. Simply fantastic.

5/5 Stars

American Animals (2018)
Viewing - 1st

A movie that I really enjoyed and one of the most inventive an original I've seen this year. The use of documentary-style interviews with the real life perpretators spliced into the reenactment of the event is a really innovative and engaging idea. The core four of the cast are really strong - Barry Keoghan and Evan Peters especially capture the likeness of their real world counterparts. The shift in tone, from joyous watching the gang 'revise' for the heist by watching classic crime movies to the devastation of watching the theft go badly wrong, comes suddenly and serves as a real kick in the teeth. It's a very unglamorous, harrowing depiction of a heist, the potency of which I haven't seen before.

4/5 Stars

First Man (2018)
Viewing - 1st

Be fully prepared for a full review of First Man shortly, as I really need the outlet to vent about just how incredible this movie is. I can't put it much simpler than you NEED to see this movie. Find the biggest cinema screen you can (I envy you if you're near an IMAX theatre) and prepare for one of the most staggering experiences you will ever have in a cinema.

5/5 Stars

That's all folks. See you next Sunday.

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